Weekend Coverage 11:00am - 3:00pm . . . (269) 360-7109

Homeownership Boom: How Your Home Equity Has Soared!

Homeowners, rejoice! Your nest egg just got a whole lot bigger. Home prices have been on a steady rise, translating to a surge in equity – the value of your home minus what you owe on your mortgage.

Soaring Demand, Soaring Equity

Remember the bidding wars and limited inventory? All that competition has pushed prices up, and that directly translates to equity gains for homeowners. According to the latest Homeowner Equity Insights from CoreLogic, the average homeowner gained a whopping $28,000 in equity in just the past year!

See How Your State Stacks Up

Curious how your state is doing? Check out the map below (link to map showing equity growth by state). Every single state with sufficient data saw gains, proving this trend is nationwide.

Pre-Pandemic Purchases? You’re Sitting Pretty!

Bought your home before the pandemic frenzy? Your equity is likely even higher. Data from Realtor.com shows a remarkable 37.5% increase in home prices from May 2019 to May 2024. As Senior Economist at Realtor.com, Ralph McLaughlin, puts it:

“Homeowners have seen extraordinary gains in home equity over the past five years.”

Equity: Your Powerful Financial Tool

This rising equity isn’t just bragging rights – it’s a powerful financial tool. CoreLogic’s Chief Economist, Selma Hepp, highlights the total equity the typical homeowner holds today:

“With home prices reaching new highs, homeowners are seeing their equity approach historic peaks, close to a total of $305,000 per owner.”

This built-up equity opens doors to exciting possibilities. Use it to:

  • Fuel your entrepreneurial dreams: Start that business you’ve always envisioned.
  • Invest in education: Finance your child’s college education or your own skill development.
  • Level up your next home purchase: A larger down payment on your dream home thanks to the equity you’ve accumulated.

Equity: Your Key to Moving Up

When you decide to sell, your equity comes back to you, potentially covering a significant portion – or even the entirety – of your next home’s down payment.

Ready to Unlock Your Home’s Equity Potential?

Thinking about moving? Let’s connect and explore how your increased equity can empower your next steps!

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September Lunch and Learn: Ask the Appraiser

Appraiser Panel

Does it often seem like appraisers seem to play by their own set of rules?  Do you find yourself periodically signing the appraiser blues?  Over the years we have seen all sorts of appraisal related issues cross our desks.  Things such as repairs, marketability issues, short appraisals, unique properties, lack of comps, large tracks of land, the list goes on and on.  During this lunch and learn event we are going to have the appraisers cornered and its YOUR opportunity to ask them questions!  We are bringing in a panel of local and experienced appraisers.   Jeremy Drobeck will be moderating the event and presenting the questions to the appraisers.   We will also have some time for open Q&A during the lunch and learn.  Its going to be fun, we are going to laugh, learn, and get some long needed answers!

Hot Topics We Will Cover

Here is a list of some of the things we will cover during the event:

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