Weekend Coverage 11:00am - 3:00pm . . . (269) 360-7109

Another Happy Customer

Meet the Eckerts, closed a loan for them a few months back.  After lots of hard work on their part they were finaly able to make their dreams come true.  Here’s their story:

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September Lunch and Learn: Ask the Appraiser

Appraiser Panel

Does it often seem like appraisers seem to play by their own set of rules?  Do you find yourself periodically signing the appraiser blues?  Over the years we have seen all sorts of appraisal related issues cross our desks.  Things such as repairs, marketability issues, short appraisals, unique properties, lack of comps, large tracks of land, the list goes on and on.  During this lunch and learn event we are going to have the appraisers cornered and its YOUR opportunity to ask them questions!  We are bringing in a panel of local and experienced appraisers.   Jeremy Drobeck will be moderating the event and presenting the questions to the appraisers.   We will also have some time for open Q&A during the lunch and learn.  Its going to be fun, we are going to laugh, learn, and get some long needed answers!

Hot Topics We Will Cover

Here is a list of some of the things we will cover during the event:

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